About Inna Lomanov
Hello, my name is Inna. I am 30 something years old, I stopped counting at some point and feel like I get younger every year. I’m a free spirited happy wife and mother of three kids. Ever since I can remember I have always felt like I have special powers and was born for a reason. As a child my strength was in connecting with my peers to help them solve their problems and guide them through tough times in unconventional ways. My intuition has always been very strong, and it has always helped me and when needed my friends to navigate through many stressful situations in school, work and in life.

I have always been attracted to the beauty of fruits and have always been attuned to Nature. I can feel people’s energy and can help not only by what they tell me, but also based on my assessment of them on an energetic level using the knowledge I have gained over the years. The story is too long, but during my second pregnancy I realized that fruit was the only thing my body was craving to eat. I will gladly share my path, my story and my transition to this lifestyle during the MFT 21-Day Program. I will also talk about how I maintain my social lifestyle while eating mostly fruits.
My personal transformation has been happening over many years and continues today. I feel that I am finally ready to use my powers, intuition and love for this world and all humanity to help more people transform not only their bodies but also their lives.This world is magical … nature is beautiful…its energy created everything in a very smart way. You just need to unlock its secrets to unleash your own magical powers.
Inna Lomanov
Magic Fruit Transformation 21-Day Program
Individualized Consultation
Individualized consultations with founder Inna Lomanov before the start of the MFT 21-Day Program are available. Over the years, Inna has inspired her family, friends, and clients to switch fully or partially to the Fruit Based Lifestyle. During this session Inna can help people with the following lifestyle changes:
  • Eating Habits: Fruitarian/Fruit Based, Raw Vegan, Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle
  • Positive Thinking
  • Gaining Confidence
  • Pregnancy and Fruitarian Lifestyle
  • Orgasmic Child Birthing
Individualized Sessions $360/hour. First Consultation is $100. Use link below to schedule yours. To schedule an appointment, please email assistant@fairyfruitmother.com.